Maxillaria mombachoensis A.H. Heller ex J.T. Atwood, Selbyana 5(3-4): 302-304, t. 1. 1981.
TYPE: Nicaragua. Granada: falda W Volcán Mombacho, road and trail above Finca Santa Ana from reservoir to somewhat above Plan del Flores, ca. 950-1150 m, 11.49-50N 85.58W, disturbed cloud forest below, elfin forest above, 1 Oct 1977, W.D. Stevens 4331 & B.A. Krukoff (holotype, MO; isotype, CR).
Camaridium mombachoense (A.H. Heller ex J.T. Atwood) M.A. Blanco, Lankesteriana 7(3): 520-521. 2007.