Trichosalpinx operculata (Luer) Luer, Phytologia 54(5): 396. 1983.
Bas.: Pleurothallis operculata Luer, Phytologia 49(3): 213. 1981. TYPE: Panama. Coclé: epiphytic in cloud forest, El Copé, R.L. Dressler s.n., cultivated at SEL-78-480, flowered 18 Jul 1979, C. Luer 4075 (holotype, SEL; detail of the holotype, SEL).
Bas.: Pleurothallis operculata Luer, Phytologia 49(3): 213. 1981.
TYPE: Panama. Coclé: epiphytic in cloud forest, El Copé, R.L. Dressler s.n., cultivated at SEL-78-480, flowered 18 Jul 1979, C. Luer 4075 (holotype, SEL; detail of the holotype, SEL).