Humboldtia luctuosa (Rchb. f.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 667. 1891.
Bas.: Pleurothallis luctuosa Rchb. f., Linnaea 41: 48. 1877.
TYPE: Costa Rica. Without specific locality, 3500', 1867—1868, "Leaves dark green, flowers purplish brown, labellum green", flowered in Hortus Hamburgensis, A.R. Endres 50 (holotype, W; isotypes, W, AMES; detail of the isotype, AMES; drawing by Reichenbach (Xenia Orch. 3: pl. 210); drawings of type, W).
Acronia luctuosa (Rchb. f.) Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 103: 58. 2005.