Pleurothallis endotrachys F. Lehm. & Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26: 439. 1899. nom. illeg. hom. non Pleurothallis endotrachys Rchb. f., Linnaea 41: 95. 1876.
TYPE: Colombia. Cauca: Páramo de Guanacas, alt. 3000-3400 m (holotype, B, destroyed; neotype designated by Luer (1998) Colombia. Nariño: epiphytic in dwarf forest near the pass between Pasto and La Cocha, alt. 3150 m, 27 Jan 1987, C. Luer 12552, MO)
Pleurothallis lehmanniana Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 7: 235. 1920.