Masdevallia scabrilinguis Luer, Phytologia 44(3): 168. 1979.
TYPE: Panama. Chiriqui: Cerro Gordo, collected by R.L. Dressler s.n., 1977, cultivated at SEL-77-1707, flowered in cult. 6 Mar. 1978, C. Luer 2788 (holotype, SEL).
Acinopetala scabrilinguis (Luer) Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 105: 3. 2006.
Masdevallia attenuata Rchb. f., Gard. Chron.1871: 834. 1871.
SYNTYPES: Costa Rica [?]. "Z[ahn?] 178", cultivated by Veitch 192; Panama [?], Zahn s.n. LECTOTYPE, designated by Smith & Pupulin (2012): Panamá [?]. Without collecting data, drawing of a syntype, based on Zahn s.n. (W 28837, Rchb-Orch 50775, upper part of the drawing).