Smith, C.M. & F. Pupulin. 2012. Contributions to a taxonomic revision of Masdevallia (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) in Costa Rica. A note on Masdevallia attenuata. Harvard Papers in Botany 17(1): 25–38.
Abstract. The identity and taxonomic status of Masdevallia attenuata are discussed, and the species is lectotypified. Masdevallia scabrilinguis is reduced into synonymy of M. attenuata, and M. fonsecae is reconsidered and treated as a good species. Both the taxa are described and illustrated on the basis of living plants from Costa Rica.
Keywords: Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae, Masdevallia attenuata, M. fonsecae, M. scabrilinguis, taxonomy, lectotypification
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