Lacaena spectabilis (Klotzsch) Rchb. f., Bonplandia (Hanover) 2(7): 92. 1854.
Bas.: Nauenia spectabilis Klotzsch, Allgem. Gartenzeit, 21(25): 194. 1853.
TYPE: Central America. A plant received by Mr. Nauen in the year 1850 and grown by Mr. Gireoud, Warszewicz s.n. (holotype, W).
Lacaena nicaraguensis L.O. Williams, Fieldiana, Bot. 31(2): 41. 1964.
TYPE: Nicaragua. Near base Peña Blanca, Cordillera Central Nicaragua, 3500 m, May 1962, F. Heller 7312 (holotype, F).