Pupulin, F. 2001. Contributions to a reassessment of Costa Rican Zygopetalinae (Orchidaceae). The genus Kefersteinia Rchb.f. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien B 103: 525-555.
Abstract. A revision of the Costa Rican species pertaining to the genus Kefersteinia Rchb.f. is presented. Phylogenetic relationships of the genus are discussed. Ten species are accepted for Costa Rica and a key to the species is provided, together with references to the types and synonyms, a detailed description, etymology, general distribution and examined specimens in the study area, ecological notes, taxonomic discussion and a composite illustration for each taxon. A new species, Kefersteinia endresii Pupulin, is described and illustrated. Lectotypes are selected for Zygopetalum lacteum Rchb.f., Kefersteinia alba Schltr., K. microcharis Schltr., and K. parvilabris Schltr.
Key words: Orchidaceae, Zygopetalinae, Kefersteinia, Kefersteinia endresii, Costa Rica, systematics, taxonomy
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Dressler, R.L. & D.E. Mora-Retana. 1993. Kefersteinia excentrica, a disntictive new species from Costa Rica. Orquídea (Méx.) 13(1-2): 261 - 264.
Resumen. Se describe Kefersteinia excentrica de selvas húmedas de Costa Rica. Se parece a K. wercklei (Schltr.) Garay, pero las flores son más grandes, la placa detrás del estigma es subcuadrada y el callo es más bajo que el de K. wercklei. Es notable por la posición ladeada del labelo.
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