Chondrorhyncha rhombilabium (C. Schweinf.) Fowlie, Orchid Digest 48: 225. 1984.
Bas.: Zygopetalum rhombilabium C. Schweinf., Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 12: 422. 1944.
TYPE: Peru: San Martín: San Roque, 1350-1500 m, Feb. 6, 1930, in forest on trunk of petrified tree, L. Williams 7796 (holotype, F; isotype, AMES; illustration of type).
Chaubardia heteroclita (Poepp. & Endl.) Dodson & D.E. Benn., Icon. Pl. Trop., ser. 2, 1: pl. 23. 1989.