Camaridium burgeri (J.T. Atwood) M.A. Blanco, Lankesteriana 7(3): 519. 2007.
Bas.: Maxillaria burgeri J.T. Atwood, Lindleyana 9(4): 233-236. 1994. TYPE: Costa Rica. near Porrosati, southern slope of Volcán Barba, 2200 m, 22 Jun 1968, W.C. Burger & R.G. Stolze 6062 (holotype, F; isotype, MO; illustration of type).
Bas.: Maxillaria burgeri J.T. Atwood, Lindleyana 9(4): 233-236. 1994.
TYPE: Costa Rica. near Porrosati, southern slope of Volcán Barba, 2200 m, 22 Jun 1968, W.C. Burger & R.G. Stolze 6062 (holotype, F; isotype, MO; illustration of type).