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Universidad de Costa Rica


Jiménez Madrigal, Q. & M.H. Grayum. 2002. Vegetacion del Parque Nacional Carara, Costa Rica. Brenesia 57-58: 25-66.


Abstract. The Carara National Park, in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica, represents a natural area of great biological interest because it is the only patch of transitional forest between the Guanacaste dry and moist deciduous forest and the wet and very wet evergreen forest of central and southern Pacific Costa Rica. As a result, it includes plant taxa of both ecological areas. Carara is also the northern limit for many species of South American trees. We present a checklist for Carara accounting for 1166 species of vascular plants in 632 genera and 150 families, of which 26 families harbor 60% of all species. The families with the most species are Fabaceae (79), Araceae (59), y Rubiaceae (58). The most species-rich pteridophyte genus is Thelypteris (11); the most species-rich monocot genera are Anthurium (16) and Philodendron (16); and the most species-rich dicot genera are Piper (23), Inga (16), Miconia (15), y Psychotria (14). The following are new records for Costa Rica: Allosanthus trifoliatus (Sapindaceae); Clytostoma pterocalyx, Cydista lilacina, y Tynanthus croatianus (Bignoniaceae); Entada patens y Pithecellobium johansenii (Fabaceae); ltzaea sericea (Convolvulaceae); Peperomia ciliolibractea (Piperaceae); Pouteria trilocularis (Sapotaceae); Seguieria aculeata (Phytolaccaceae ); Steriphoma paradoxum (Capparaceae ); Stigmatopteris killipiana (Dryopteridaceae); y Vitex gaumeri (Verbenaceae).


Key words: Vegetation, Plants list, Carara, Costa Rica



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